TECH FOR LIFE Assistive technologies for an independent life of persons with disabilities
2021 - 2023
The main goal of the project was to strengthen Chinese CSOs in promoting social inclusion of people with disabilities. One of the main indicators of the project results is the adoption by the CSOs of a holistic approach to rehabilitation, not based on a strictly medical model, but focused on social inclusion and the autonomy of the person with disabilities. Another important behavioral change that occurred is the gradual introduction of assistive technologies by professionals into the rehabilitation process, whereas before the project implementation assistive devices were seen as a stigma and their use was avoided by both professionals and families. The project supported the strengthening of the role of CSOs as promoters of innovative solutions to support the autonomy of people with disabilities in different environmental and social contexts. The action reached two different audiences (target groups): Chinese grassroots non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and people with disabilities and their families. As regards direct beneficiaries:
- 120 professionals from 4 Chinese CSOs reached by training activities through an online platform to share training contents, making the lessons and related materials available for later use and for internal training of CSO partners
- 72 children with disabilities and their families. Overall, 71% of the equipment made functional improvements.
- 800 people with disabilities and their families reached by dissemination activities (activities 1.3 and 1.4).
Regarding the perception of the AD, 35% of customers and 34% of their families accepted the use of the device immediately. 57% of the children and 55% of their care givers improved their perception of the aid; 59% of them manage to systematically use the tools in an unfamiliar environment (NFE), encouraged by 62% of parents. Approximately 35% of clients and their families introduced TA in family settings only (OFE). The data relating to the perception of the families indicate a 60% of general positive results, including a 12% immediate approval of the AD and a 48% improvement in the perception of the tool, 48% of the families systematically encouraged the use of the assistive device in a familiar environment. The activities that supported the dissemination of the study and the related bio-psycho-social model of social inclusion (1.3 and 1.4) received positive feedback from both the social and governmental levels.
PROGETTO PR.I.S.M.I. PRomuovere l’Inclusione Sociale delle persone con disabilità in Cina: sperimentazione di buone pratiche consolidate nel contesto italiano, quali Modelli Innovativi su Base Territoriale
January 2019 - December 2020
The project has contributed to the improvement of the living conditions of people with disabilities by taking charge of the user in its complexity and favoring their school and work inclusion. During the two-year period, the project partners certainly consolidated the motivations that led them to share the activities undertaken. The frequency of fruitful contacts with the headquarters and with the experts of partner E. Medea gave a broader scope, consolidating the awareness of the importance of international cooperation in the local partners. We also reported at the local level the more structured collaboration relationships established with the Local Authorities through participation in the Territorial Commission for school inclusion and the supervision system of the Beijing Municipality for job placement projects. Furthermore, the number of non-profit organizations reached was greater than initially estimated, with constructive relationships. Despite having implemented in the past different types of services in online mode, the pandemic experience has certainly represented a qualitative leap, both for the expansion of the services offered and for the challenges and technical-organizational commitment required.
Holistic and right based approach as poverty reduction strategy in China
2012 - 2015
The Evaluation and Guide Center became a referral point, recognized by the Local Authorities for the diffusion of the holistic approach, valued by the Local Authorities themselves as a reproducible approach. The staff of the Center has been trained and we are keep on taking in charge of the patient with disabilities. The recognition of the Womende Jiayuan Working Group as a non-profit association by the Local Authorities has been facilitated. We drafted a scientific document and didactic material that highlights the effectiveness and efficiency of the model developed, presented to the competent Local Authorities during the final project conference on October 16, 2015, as best practice for the creation of a rational social welfare network of quality services in urban areas.