In 1996, OVCI began its activity in the regions of northern China, making use mainly of experts in the field of rehabilitation of the developmental age.
For the next ten years - in close collaboration with the Chinese Red Cross, the National Training Centre and the National Federation of People with Disabilities - OVCI carries out training projects for Chinese personnel working for children with disabilities, both in rehabilitation centres and in orphanages.
Since 1998, OVCI volunteers have been dedicated to training - in the classroom and in the field - of the staff of the Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy (Fang Shan District, Beijing Municipality). The OVCI staff contributes to improving the activity of the service, expanding reception capacities and opening four services for the early diagnosis of disability in the area, in close collaboration with the health authorities of the District.
After the collaboration with the Chinese Red Cross, other bodies and local authorities have expressed interest in the holistic approach. In 2008, a closer collaboration began with the Federation of Persons with Disabilities of the Xicheng District (Beijing Municipality). A group of local professionals also expressed interest in the approach proposed by OVCI, setting up the Womende Jiayuan Working Group, involved in the collaboration with the Xicheng District. These positive synergies lead to the inauguration of the Evaluation and Guidance Centre (July 2010).
In 2011, the Beijing China Dolls Centre for Rare Disorders Association (which mainly deals with osteogenesis imperfecta) establishes a fruitful collaboration relationship with the Centre, recognizing it as a reference point for the rehabilitation of its members.
In May 2012, the Womende Jiayuan Working Group was officially recognized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs as a non-profit association, and took over the management of the Centre, supported by the technical supervision of OVCI. Several local professionals work at the Centre in the fields of psychology, language, physiotherapy, occupational therapy etc. The Centre also promotes, together with OVCI, training and support activities to various entities throughout the country.
In January 2018, a more structured collaboration began with the National Federation of People with Disabilities (Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation CDPF), to launch a Pilot Project involving three Rehabilitation Centres located in three different Chinese Provinces (Nanjing Centre in Jiangsu, Xinganmeng Centre in Inner Mongolia and Chengdu Centre in Sichuan).
The choice of the three Centres was preceded by an initial selection phase, which involved the training of 25 areas in 9 Provinces. The three centres have been visited several times by our local staff, as well as holding training meetings in Beijing and remote links for distance learning.
This collaboration confirms the interest that local authorities have towards the holistic model.