GOALS FOR THE FUTURE (from the 2020 - 2024 Strategic Plan)
Consistent with OVCI's cultural approach, it seems important to base project activities, for the near future, on the following objectives:
- Continuous survey of the socio-rehabilitation demand of people with disabilities residing in Morocco, and in-depth analysis of the main disabling diseases in the various contexts.
- Permanent updating of social - health - educational workers, employed (or to be employed) for the social integration of people with disabilities.
- Consolidation of the historical counterpart: Local association of parents of children with disabilities: Casa Lahnina in terms of capacity building, from a managerial and non-profit perspective, in order to create the conditions for the long-term sustainability of its activities, as well as increase its potential for political lobbying and advocacy.
- Participation and collaboration with the network of Services and Associations for the promotion of the person with disabilities, according to a global approach.
- Strengthening of the pilot services constituted by the CSE and the SAFIR of Temara, the CBID and the Integrated Service (including Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Special Education and production of simple Orthopedic Aids); in order to establish sustainable models of global care of the person (and especially of the child) with disabilities, and to promote the models themselves in the various Moroccan institutions.
- Promotion of sustainability and the dissemination of tested and consolidated models, in partnership with a series of key bodies, through the production and distribution of information and promotional material, as well as meetings and conferences at the regional and governmental level.